10 Year Anniversary Fundraiser

The Prescription Drug Assistance Foundation (PDAF) is honored to celebrate our 10th anniversary this year! To commemorate this occasion, we recently hosted a celebratory event in Spokane to recognize our founder Dr. Sam Selinger, our Executive Director Kelly Armstrong MSW, our Board of Directors and our generous longstanding funders. We were honored to hear from Spokane Mayor David Condon, Dr. Selinger, Neuropsychologist Dr. Naomi Chaytor and two recipients of PDAF services. The evening raised over $20,000, which given our 15:1 return on investment, means we can help provide over $300,000 in prescription medicines to Washington state residents. We would like to recognize a few of the donors from the night, including PhRMA, First Choice Health, Washington State Medical Association, Physician Insurance, Sanofi Pharmaceuticals, Takeda Pharmaceuticals, Sunovion Pharmaceuticals and Genentech. We thank the generous support of the many partners of our organization from across the state and are looking forward to another 10 years of supporting Washingtonians!


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