Information For Healthcare Providers, Social Workers, Care/Case Managers and Patient Support Personnel

The Prescription Drug Assistance Network has been designed to help assist your patients with applying for reduced or free medications.  For those of you who are not familiar with this program, we are well established in the State of Washington and have had tremendous success in working with your patients to assist in finding ways to finance their medications that have been prescribed. 

It is a very straight forward process and the first step involves you.  There is no fee involved as this is a free public service.  It is just a phone call away to one of our care coordinators.  You or your staff may make the phone call and give us the patient contact information and we will follow up with them quickly.  Or you can give them our contact information and we will assist them when they call. 

We have handout cards available to provide to your patients and we can get a supply of them to you by just calling either Kelly Amstrong or Rod Shutt.

Our success in reducing and eliminating medication costs has been significant and as an example in 2023 we assisted individuals access to medications worth over $16M in what would have otherwise been medications costs to your patients.

We look forward to working with all of you who are serving this vulnerable population.